Can a Slob Change? Pt. 1: Slob at Heart


   As a child, I was always messy. My mom would tell me, “You’re just a pack rat, like your dad.” I never wanted to throw anything away, or put it where it “belonged”. In fact, none of my possessions had a place where they belonged—at least, not in an organizational sense. No, actually I used my mess as a means of navigating my room. Instead of the book I loved belonging in a certain place on the shelf, it belonged on the floor over to that side.
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When Seeking Joy

For some people, it’s harder. 

In a day where mental illness 

And abuse rates seem ever-rising, 

Life can be so dark 

And confusing for some. 


Do you know that one day

You could feel as great

As you do horrible now? 

I’m sensitive,

It’s not a crime. 

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Act as if vs. Real thought building

 A while back, my boyfriend and I were chilling out after a long day of work. After dinner, we found ourselves scrolling through his social media feed to find a picture of a very attractive woman who obviously worked out, wearing very little clothes. We both enjoyed the picture, seeing her aesthetic beauty was certainly a pleasant experience, at least at first. Yet before the hour was over, I found myself spinning in a cyclone of thoughts and subtle emotions, seemingly unable to get out.

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Good People

  I’ve always wanted to be a good person for as long as I can remember. I think most people can relate to that, but what is a good person? What makes someone a good person? And can you be a good person who is better than other than other good people, or is it more like an achievement badge where once you’re a good person, you’re part of the good people club?

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